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CeneSam - the people behind Quality as a Service - is the ultimate example of the New Way of Working. The CeneSam business model is completely based on Internet technology, which means that both our back-office applications and our products are available at any time and from any location. CeneSam comes from Persian and literally means "Three pillars that together form a beautiful whole."

CeneSam continually strives to give meaning to the literal meaning of the word CeneSam based on its core competencies. Our pragmatic translation of the word CeneSam is "Create beautiful things with the three of us".

Why use Quality as a Service?
CeneSam has over forty years of experience in the development, support and sales of standard quality management software applications. Our consulting and technology partners, resellers and hosting providers perfectly complement our services and ensure that we are fully able to keep our focus on continuously improving our products.
Cenesam - a Cloud Company, Executive Team


Marcel Mourik (Your Contact) Ramin Keywanshokouh (Our Coding Specialist)
Marcel Mourik (Your Contact) Follow us on Twitter Like us on facebook Ramin Keywanshokouh (Our Coding Specialist) Follow us on Twitter Like us on facebook
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