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Thank you for your interest in Quality as a Service. We like to welcome you as a new user. Before you can use Quality as a Service we require the following steps to comply. When you click on the text "try QaaS (free), participate or sign up" on the top right corner of this page the sign up process is started.
Step 1: Create Quality Chain
In order to create a Quality Chain we need some information such as details of your organization and some of your personal information including name and email address.
Step 2: Enter QaaS Partner ID
You receive a Partner QaaS ID of one of our partners before you start the sign up process. When you are not working with a partner you will receive a QaaS Partner ID from CeneSam. A Partner ID is not necessary if you would like to use the Free Trial.
Step 3: Choose subscription
Quality as a Service allows you to choose from seven subscriptions: Participate, Free Trial, CalamitiesGuide, Starter, Small Business, Mid Market and Enterprise. You can always contact your QaaS Partner or CeneSam for content subscription advice.
Step 4: Choose subscription period
You can subscribe for 1, 6, 12, 18 or 24 months. QaaS keeps you informed when your subscription is terminated and / or should be extended.
Step 5: Check your input
You will receive immediately after completing your details an email on the entered email address. The email is a confirmation of the entered data including your username and password. Please check this information and contact CeneSam in case of uncertainty.
Get started!
Congratulations and much pleasure using Quality as a Service. You can start by clicking on log in on the top right and using your username and password.
Account verification
CeneSam will contact you (by telephone) a few days after completing the registration process. During this conversation a CeneSam employee will discuss (if applicable) the terms of use, the subscription agreement and the billing with you. If you appreciate an earlier contact this is of course always possible.
If you have questions about the sign up process please let us know. It is for example always possible to jointly (with telephone support) create an account. If you do not have any questions we wish you once again a lot of fun with the possibilities of Quality as a Service.
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